What you get:

Improve your walking & your posture fast.Packed with content, effective easy to follow drills and interactive feedback to learn the scientifically verified WalkActive Technique. Presented by Joanna Hall, The Creator & Founder WalkActive.

  • Get motivated with pre - programme countdown to optimise your results

  • Progressive daily walking tasks and at home drills

  • Comprehensive educational videos

  • Private learning community forum for motivation & support

  • 4 x group feedback video & mentoring sessions from Joanna based on your progress

  • Audio coaching download to consolidate your efforts

  • Plus BONUS 12 months access to Live Coaching with Joanna to catapult your results.

  • 12 month access to the Get Started with WalkActive programme.

Social proof: reviews

Tom Morton

5 star rating

“THOROUGHLY RECOMMEND THIS! I had been on a Walkactive course about five years ago. Loved it, but since then life/work etc has got in the way a bit.... so it's been really good to remind myself what I should be doing. Since 2015 Joanna has added ...”

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“THOROUGHLY RECOMMEND THIS! I had been on a Walkactive course about five years ago. Loved it, but since then life/work etc has got in the way a bit.... so it's been really good to remind myself what I should be doing. Since 2015 Joanna has added some excellent "drills", particularly the "four pace" one to help with hip lifts. Thoroughly recommend this, and it works at least as well online, and in many ways even better -- especially if you live in the Frozen North (aka God's Own Country) Tom from Wharfedale ”

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lesley graham

5 star rating

“WONDERFUL. I found my GSWA programme was a wonderful experience and saw changes immediately. I plan to continue with my journey, and look forward to continued improvement in my walking style and speed in the months ahead. ”

“WONDERFUL. I found my GSWA programme was a wonderful experience and saw changes immediately. I plan to continue with my journey, and look forward to continued improvement in my walking style and speed in the months ahead. ”

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Derek Marsh

5 star rating

“CAN'T STOP RAVING ABOUT THE BENEFITS. I came in to this course as a regular walker of distances between 5 and 25km, so I was naturally slightly sceptical as to the benefits it could offer me, but wow how wrong could I have been! After day 1 of t...”

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“CAN'T STOP RAVING ABOUT THE BENEFITS. I came in to this course as a regular walker of distances between 5 and 25km, so I was naturally slightly sceptical as to the benefits it could offer me, but wow how wrong could I have been! After day 1 of the course, I was seeing slight differences in pace and form, by Day 4 I had managed to improve my posture not just whilst walking but when sitting as well, increased my stride length, improved my pronation, and taken over 30 seconds per km off of my overall pace without really trying. By day 7 the 30 seconds has increased to a maintainable minute plus per km quicker over a 5-10km walk. The overall health benefits are very obvious in that I can feel that I am now engaging both my Abdominal and Gluteal muscles with more affect and my pronation where still not perfect has definitely improved considerably thus reducing the risk of injury. Overall the GSWA course has been amazing, it has enthused me to continue with my WalkActive journey to achieve bigger and better. I cant stop talking raving about the benefits, and its quite amazing that I now find myself analysing the way friends are walking and wanting to offer advice to improve their experience too. Cant wait for Joanna to roll out the advanced courses.”

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Clare Robinson

5 star rating

“IT HAS TO BE 5 STARS! A step by step guide to creating better walking technique. Its comprehensive, sympathetic and friendly. It seems quite daft thinking about learning to walk properly, but exploring the concept explains why after periods of w...”

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“IT HAS TO BE 5 STARS! A step by step guide to creating better walking technique. Its comprehensive, sympathetic and friendly. It seems quite daft thinking about learning to walk properly, but exploring the concept explains why after periods of walking, little niggles and pains appear. Putting the technique into practice will take practice, so having commitment to seeing small improvements over 10 days improves confidence and demonstrates how maintaining the technique will improve fitness. I've thoroughly enjoyed the course and will continue to revisit aspects of the course keep on improving my walking.”

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Christine McDonald

5 star rating

“BRILLIANT. Joanna, you have done such a professional job of this site.It is so easy to follow and so much content.I really appreciate it”

“BRILLIANT. Joanna, you have done such a professional job of this site.It is so easy to follow and so much content.I really appreciate it”

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Anna Price

5 star rating

“MOTIVATING & HELPFUL. I can now walk further, faster and longer without pain: hooray!”

“MOTIVATING & HELPFUL. I can now walk further, faster and longer without pain: hooray!”

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Anne-Marie M

5 star rating

“HIGH QUALITY RESOURCES. Well,structured course. Good use of media to cover topics. High quality resources”

“HIGH QUALITY RESOURCES. Well,structured course. Good use of media to cover topics. High quality resources”

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Tracy Bunn

5 star rating

“A GREAT WAY TO LEARN. I really enjoyed this course and found the daily build up of techniques and practice a great way to learn. Very clear explanations and Joanna’s enthusiasm and experience really comes through. Feeling the changes and benefits ...”

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“A GREAT WAY TO LEARN. I really enjoyed this course and found the daily build up of techniques and practice a great way to learn. Very clear explanations and Joanna’s enthusiasm and experience really comes through. Feeling the changes and benefits during the week is great motivation too.”

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Jackie Walster

5 star rating

“EXCELLENT. An excellent programme”

“EXCELLENT. An excellent programme”

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Bonus material to optimise your results.

Book today for exclusive Live Coaching Feedback sessions with Joanna.

Exclusive group coaching with Joanna to catapult your results and motivation. Get feedback on your progress + your questions answered. Join Live or Catch Up On Demand.
Bonus Material

As featured in:

Joanna Hall and WalkActive

Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Meet Joanna

    • The WalkActive Approach

    • How to use this course

    • How Get Started with WalkActive works

    • What do you want to achieve?

    • Welcome & Getting Prepared Call with Joanna APRIL 20th 2022: REPLAY

  • 02

    Get ready to WalkActive!

    • Choosing your WalkActive routes

    • Selecting your WalkActive Kit

    • Live Coaching Dates with Joanna

    • Supplement your learning

    • Optimise your Learning

  • 03

    About you

    • Why we walk wrong

    • Rate your walk

    • Introduce yourself to the Community

  • 04

    RECORDED REPLAY: Live Coaching Sessions with Joanna

    • REPLAY: Live Coaching #1: WalkActive Feet

    • REPLAY: Live Coaching #2: WalkActive Hips

    • REPLAY: Live Coaching #3: WalkActive Hips & Shoulders

    • REPLAY: Live Coaching #4: WalkActive Arms

  • 05

    DAY 1: FEET

    • Start your WalkActive Feet

  • 06

    DAY 2: HIPS

    • Start WalkActive Hips

  • 07

    DAY 3: FEET & HIPS

    • Add WalkActive Feet & Hips

  • 08


    • Add WalkActive Head & Shoulders

  • 09

    DAY 5: ARMS

    • Add WalkActive Arms

    • Supplement your learning

  • 10


    • WalkActive in Motion

    • Your WalkActive Coaching Download

  • 11


    • How Well Do I Walk NOW?

    • Rate your walk

    • Feedback to the Community

  • 12


    • Congrats! Here's what's next ...

    • Are you ready for a challenge?

    • More resources for you

    • Your feedback is appreciated

    • It's a wrap + a review please

Start feeling the WalkActive benefits

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Frequently asked questions

  • How long do I have to walk each day?

    Each day on the 7 day programme - I'll set a walking task with a specific focus. I'll ask you to practice this in 3 bouts of 10 minutes. These bite size focused sessions are more manageable plus best way to fast track your learning.

  • Are there any fitness requirements to start this programme?

    WalkActive is for anyone and everyone. This course is about learning the basics so whether you are a complete non exerciser looking for motivation and a supportive programme to get you started or a seasoned distance walker, fit power walker, or a runner experiencing joint pain, this programme is designed to be effective, educational and enjoyable, so you get results.

  • What happens if I miss a day or fall behind on the programme?

    No problem, the daily tasks are scheduled each day and stay available on your personal dashboard for 21 days, so you can catch up or go back and refresh your learning at your convenience.

  • How long do I have access to the programme?

    You have access to the programme for 12 months from the official GSWA start date.

  • Do I have to be good with technology to follow this programme?

    Not at all, all your materials you need are on your personal programme dash board. If you can log into a web site, and type your feedback, you have all the technology skills you need!

  • Can I begin the Get Started with WalkActive (GSWA) programme at any time?

    Each GSWA 7 day programme has an official start date when you book your place, you'll be part of a group of participants going through the learning process of WalkActive together, providing feedback on your experiences. You'll learn a lot on this course but you'll also learn a lot from fellow participants and their experiences. This combined with Joanna's 4 x real time feedback and mentoring videos will significantly enhance your learning and enjoyment. Day 1 of this programme is March 20th, but I'll get you started with pre programme material as soon as you enrol so you can be motivated, and ready to get the most from my programme.

  • Are there any pre course materials?

    Yes, I've prepared some quick and easy pre programme materials to help you get organised, understand fully about the GSWA programme plus get you a little excited about commencing your WalkActive journey. These are available and ready to start as soon as you enrol.

  • Do I have to live in the UK to learn the WalkActive Programme?

    No, you can learn WalkActive wherever you are in the world. In fact we have had participants from across the globe including Argentina, Australia, North America, South Africa, Malaysia, New Zealand and Europe. The lessons and Daily Tasks are released 12.01 UCT, so this means you can access them at any time by logging onto your dashboard on the day at your convenience. All lessons and video feedback from Joanna remain available for the whole 21 days of your enrolment, so you can go back and review any areas you feel may need more consolidation or even repeat the whole course twice more! Plus BOOK TODAY and you have exclusive 12 months access to Joanna's Live Coaching sessions every fortnight, delivered via Zoom Room.

  • How do I access the Daily Tasks?

    All your learning resources will be on your personal dashboard. Easily accessible, and available at any time for the duration of the respective programme. When you enrol on the Get Started with WalkActive programme, you'll set up a private account, which will give you access to your own dashboard with automatic access to your selected WalkActive programme. As you progress and complete more of the WalkActive LEARN and workout programmes you'll be able to see them neatly organised on your personal dashboard. Just remember you need to be logged into your dashboard to access your learning.


What our participants have to say:

“I feel like a new person! Walking more smoothly, more relaxed, with greatly improved posture and balance. A short, daily walk to keep practising all the newly-learned techniques is firmly on my To Do list. The benefits are not just confined to walking either. I feel better than I’ve done for months. Thank you so much ”

Valerie D

“I can't believe the difference. I went back to my original walking style and it felt really strange, sitting in my hips which immediately made my shoulders hunch, my head forward and my eyes looking down. 😏. As soon as I starting peeling through my foot and lifting my hips my whole posture changed and I grew inches. I even found myself sitting up at the table!”

Christine G

“My son joined me for one of my walks on Day 5 of Get Started with WalkActive Programme and he asked me if i was wearing something like a corset today as my body posture was visibly taller 😉 .... he was totally unaware of my Walkactive exercises.”